I woke up the other morning, once again acutely aware of the fact that I was still searching for a TITLE for myself. One that fit my calling in this life. The title, or term ’Coach’ has always been an option, but has never been a clear fit for me. Adviser, consultant, mentor, teacher, trainer, hostess, facilitator… all these seem to hold an aspect of what I’m about. So I once again my mind suggested and toyed with all of these terms. But none seemed to feel just right. Just like in the story of The Three Bears , all these terms seemed too hot, too cold, too big, too small, too hard, or too soft. I didn’t want to settle until I found a title that felt, Just Right . And none of these comfortably fit me. So once again I sat with some disappointment and frustration, unable to nail a title that I could sit inside of with complete contentment. Accepting my failure with a deep sigh, I let go. I let go of the striving and surrendered. I dropped into a quiet stillnes...
Life is change, energy flows, and attention creates. By the movement of our attention and the choice of our focus, we freshly create our experience in each moment. I've found that when we actively attend and explore through our senses, we bring greater awareness to all aspects of our being and consequently into all areas of our lives. By sharing my personal explorations, observations and experiences I hope to inspire a more vibrant Aliveness in others.