How potent and powerful it is to help people feel met and seen and to calm down, to where they have access to their own answers. There isn't much fixing or helping or advising that needs to happen once we're seen. At least that's my experience. And I guess it's pretty universal.
My whole focus and intention is really about discovering a deeper way of relating and making connection than most of the world actually experiences, or engages in. Bringing that in. Being part of the wave of bringing that in to the human social cultural structure.
And the thing that happens when we are actually deeply feeling connected and connected with, is that we re-discover our essential selves. We reclaim our personal and spiritual power.
The families we are raised in are a so often dysfunctional. As children we sacrifice our capacity for self connection, mindfulness, awareness and presence, in order to belong. But that connection to our awesome essence is essential for any kind of spacious, satisfying, mutual and reciprocal relating.
My path is an ongoing process to re-discover this deep inner knowing, and apply it, through doing, through learning, through doing and then sharing what I learn, with others. And living into that place more deeply, more comfortably, more confidently. It’s about having full access to my self. And inviting others to have full access to themselves. And to brining that full self-connection into the 'we', into the interaction, into the relating and the relationship.
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